Tag Archives: Garage Door Springs

Signs Garage Door Springs Hayward Need Replacement

Garage Door Springs HaywardMany people take garage door springs for granted and often neglect signs that indicate that they need replacement.

Whether a home or business garage door opens automatically or manually, the truth of the matter is that it requires springs for it to operate. And while springs deliver consistent and reliable performance, chances are they will require replacement after some time. This is because the strain and stress they experience with continued use will usually lead to wear and tear.

When a garage door spring wears out or even breaks, there are a couple of warning signs that should let you know that it needs to be replaced before worse comes to worst. Knowing some of these signs could help lower the risk of injury and damage to the door and/or automatic opener.

Signs That Your Garage Door Springs Hayward Need to Be Replaced

– The garage door doesn’t rest in place or remain stationary when partially opened
– When the door is imbalanced – doesn’t close and open easily or smoothly
– The door rests at an awkward angle leaving visible gaps at the corners when closed
– When it produces a lot of grinding or squealing noises when being opened or closed
– Noticeable signs of wear and tear like stress cracks on the coil
– The door falls faster than normal when you close it
– The top section is bent or gets bent when opening the door
– There is a gap in your spring(s)
– The door gets stuck when opening or doesn’t open fully

Any of the above symptoms could be a sign that your garage door springs need replacement before substantial costs and damage are incurred. If you suspect or detect any of these issues, consider contacting a garage door installations company as soon as possible for professional diagnosis and advice.

While you can replace a garage door spring on your own, it is advisable that you never do so without first getting in touch with a garage door springs Hayward professional since working with high-tension springs such as these can be risky and requires some skill and experience.